
Conferences attended and Abstract published (Dissemination)

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Dr. Barrios (clinical expert from UCV) has actively participated in the following three conferences in the medical sector, disseminating StimulAIS project to specialized research audience :

  • 8th World Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies


* XXVII GEER Congress

Conference: “Coordinación de la musculatura paraespinal superficial y rotadora profunda en la Escoliosis Idiopática. Estudio electromiográfico intramuscular en diferentes movimientos del raquis”. Sociedad de Estudios de Enfermedades del Raquis (GEER).

Valencia, 30 Mayo-1 Junio 2013.


* 8th World Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies

Conference: “Myoelectric imbalance in the coupled activity of the superficial long paraspinal muscles and the deep rotators at both sides of the curve in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Direct intramuscular recording in different spine tasks”

Venice (Italy), 13-16 October 2013



Conference: “Asociación Española de Investigación en Cirugía Ortopédica INVESCOT X Asimetrías en la actividad mioeléctrica de la musculatura torácica paraespinal superficial y rotadora profunda en la Escoliosis Idiopática. Estudio electromiográfico intramuscular en diferentes movimientos del raquis

More than fifty Researchers Attended the X INVESCOT 2014 National Conference of the Spanish Association for Research in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatolgía held at the Medical Surgical Hospital in Santiago de Compostela Conxo.



In addition, an ABSTRACT has been submitted to "Bone & Joint Journal Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement (2014 vol.96-B no. SUPP 11 58)".

This is a clear evidence of the dissemination that Dr. Barrios is making the StimulAIS system in scientific journals with worldwide impact.

Publication access link:



The original license is kept.

Intermediate meeting on 21 May 2014, UPV Valencia


Project Funded by EU Seventh Framework.

Students Love Technology This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement No 315327